Join Us
Everyone is welcome at our weekly Sunday services at 9:30am. Membership is not necessary; we love visitors!
Our weekly service includes traditional and modern music, Episcopal based liturgy, prayer, meaningful sermons, and wonderful fellowship. Worshipers can participate however they desire. We truly accept all, as they are, in our Church home.

Our New Resident Priest
We are excited to welcome Reverend Paul Ehling as our resident priest.
Rev. Paul comes to the priesthood after 34 years in education as a teacher and an administrator. Paul’s theological studies include Bexley Seabury Seminary in Chicago, Illinois, Church Divinity School of the Pacific Seminary in Berkley, California, and the School for Formation with the Episcopal Church of Minnesota. Rev. Paul was ordained to the priesthood in 2022 and has been serving as a supply priest for Christ Episcopal Church until being appointed the Vicar in October of 2024. Rev. Paul says “we all serve God in the various places in our lives – work, home, school – I am overjoyed and blessed to be serving God as the priest for Christ Episcopal Church here in Old Frontenac.

Wakondiota Hillside Chapel
Starting the summer of 2022, our Sunday services are held outdoors at our new Wakondiota Hillside Chapel. Wakondiota, a Dakota Indian word for, “a sacred space created by the cutting of many trees”, reflects our spiritually-rich, historical community.
All are welcome to experience worship in God’s glorious nature near the Mississippi River. We have ample seating; come as you are and enjoy hearing God’s word with majestic views. It is awesome!
Watch our events for more information on service dates. Weather updates will be posted on Facebook.
Check out our Upcoming Events
Our Mission
The mission of the membership of Christ Church is to bring people to know and respond to God as God is revealed in Jesus Christ; to create a place for worship and fellowship and to encourage individual ministry in the fulfillment of Christian mission in the community, the nation and the world according to the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Proudly a Part of the Episcopal Church of Minnesota
At Christ Episcopal Church of Frontenac, we want our members to know God through the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. We welcome you just as you are. Whoever you are, wherever you’re from, whatever you’ve been or done, we believe you are a beloved child of God. We see you as God’s unique, perfect creation. You are an inseparable member of the body of Christ, and our faith community.
As led by the Episcopal Church of Minnesota, we abide by the four faith pillars. We welcome your questions and insights, too! You can always contact our leaders to learn more about us, share your thoughts, or discover how to get connected to serve our communities.
Daily practices that help us follow Jesus as our whole way of life.
Faithful Innovation
Joining the Spirit in new ways to proclaim and live out the gospel.
Becoming the Beloved Community.
Thriving faith communities of all sizes in all places.

“Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”
Matthew 28:19

Join Our Community
Christ Episcopal Church of Frontenac gladly welcomes new members. Contact us today to learn more about our membership process and the many service opportunities available.